
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Insta everyone.

Hello everyone
How much ever I try to do a blog post its my internet connection that messes up. It seriously sucks here and I feel so guilty of not posting. I have to wake up late night for a speedy net( not that I sleep early).. so finally here it is. So guys( technically girls) I'm finally been using Instagram since last month. I don't know why I took such long time to post about..I'd blame my net connection again, but since its now I would really like you all to follow me on Instagram-@ sabbi23. Hope you guys enjoy the pics there and be updated on my daily life. There are a zillion photos that I don't post here but definitely there. So follow me and leave a comment. 


And for those who are not on Instagram, I'd do a weekly post. Enjoy the pics there.

Have a great day.
xo sabbi

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  1. Cant waiy for yhe weekly post of your instagram XD

    Kindly visit my little cream button ♥ | instagram

  2. I love INstagram! It is flawless in every way!!


  3. Happy valentine's day!
    thanks for your comment on my blog

