
Saturday, 30 November 2013

♥ ♥ ♥ Winter sun.

When at college, more often than not you will find yourself sitting down for an inordinate amount of time trying to get as much studying done as possible; it’s pretty much a rite of passage for anybody attending college. It’s all good and well sitting down with a pot of coffee, the light on, all of your books and working for 5 hours straight. It does after all get the job accomplished, but at the same time it will start to takes its toll on your mind and body. The more that you commit without taking a break or rewarding yourself, the more you find the level and quality of your study decreases.


So to treat myself I went out to enjoy the winter sun. Don't you just love sitting under trees all by yourself, with crazy thoughts and humming your favorite song. That's m favorite way to clear my head.

Have a great day ahead
xo sabbi

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Friday, 8 November 2013


Festival of lights- Diwali.

Have a great day ahead
xo Sabbi

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